
Something about Phantom 4

For the Phantom 4 response, many of the homogenization of the homogenization of the more serious bias aerial manufacturers are basically more sad, in the case of product power is not enough to recklessly price, selling things do not make money, a short time to see not To the power of products beyond the hope of living very tired. Some of the more sought after manufacturers will avoid the DJI to create this bias aerial market, in turn to find some other hot spots, such as small, flexible focus on intelligent operation of the folding multi-rotor, or the pursuit of speed FPV through machine, If you make the difference, then there will be a market, there are some more powerful manufacturers will specialize in professional industry applications, technology accumulation and research and development capabilities of enterprises will find some new breakthroughs, DJI is now multi-rotor Aerial products do the best, but there will still be other innovators will open up new applications, I firmly believe that China will have such a company, and more than one. Blindly follow the lack of innovation ability to only estimate the price war.

If the DJI in the past few years, what is one of the few Tucao by the point, in addition to the cold PR style and in the social media like the Friends of the Friends of shielding the behavior of the keywords, the issue is the highest rate of referral . UAV after-sales is very difficult to do, the field of consumer electronics, there is profit after-sale is a consensus, those who do not make money Internet hardware, most of the poor after-sales experience, the product through the power of DJI to introduce the price to 8999 this range, There is no doubt will increase profits from the current launch of a series of user care plan DJI point of view, after-sales strategy in the big change in DJI last year, two Chinese UAV products into the apple store system sales, many Apple After-sales experience is being Chinese enterprises to learn and quickly follow, I believe that consumers will enhance the product of the force, after-sales experience will pay for better products. Aerial aircraft on the price is more expensive price range, good things will sell expensive, we must let manufacturers make money, or how to engage in money and then develop.

In the past year, DJI in flight products on the update action is not big, Phantom 4 is the biggest action this year, the next non-flight related products and imaging products should be immediately introduced, after all, GoPro UAV video are put out , I believe that the movement of DJI camera is already on the boss Wang's desk on the state. In addition, I personally look forward to inspire series of updates, after all, now the Phantom will inspire the impact of 4, I believe that their products Daogan dare to self-revolution must be inspire a new generation of breakthroughs have been made, I was a professional film and television aerial practitioners Personnel, so on this level of products more looking forward to.

