
Open up industry channels: purchase can be phased, plant protection services can be loans (A)

At the conference, Wang Jiang, director of innovation and public relations director of the DJI Review of 2016 in the field of agriculture in DJI achievements. Wang Fan said that since the official sale in March 2016, DJI has been sold in the domestic sales of more than 2,500 MG-1 Plant Protection Machine, 2016 National Plant Protection UAV sales of more than 70%; in the country more than 30 provinces, municipalities , Autonomous regions are set up sales service points, the total number of service points more than 200.

According to reports, at present the country has more than 200 flying anti-plant protection team in the "DJI agriculture" WeChat service number on the registration. The conference, the DJI selected 13 "outstanding agricultural insurance 2016 Great Peasant Team." China Agricultural Machinery Association vice president, agricultural aviation branch chairman Yang Lin and China Agricultural University plant protection machinery and application technology center director Professor He Xiongkui for the award-winning plant protection team jointly awarded the trophy and commemorative certificate.

Cao Nan said that in eight months of practice, DJI found that many farmers want to enter the field of plant protection, but trapped in the training, lack of funds, can not let go business. As a result, DJI and partners to jointly launch a series of financial services projects, hoping to help users reduce the threshold of plant protection business.

From now on, the DJI and the public security, agricultural staggered cooperation in the introduction of agricultural phytosanitary installment purchase services. Consumers can apply to the local agents DJI purchase staging; agricultural staging will be sent to the site staff review, and to meet the conditions of the consumer to provide a certain amount of credit; consumers can use the loan agents in the large purchase of DJI, And installment repayment. At present, the service has covered Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Jiangxi, Henan and other provinces, the future will be gradually extended to the country.

