
Phantom 4 has not been killed, but also upgraded to Pro version

Phantom 4 Pro one of the biggest bright spot is the life time will be slightly elevated to about 30 minutes at the same time, greatly enhanced the perception.
In addition to the normal version of the front binocular obstacle avoidance camera, the Phantom 4 Pro behind the addition of another set of binocular obstacle avoidance camera. The right and left sides of the fuselage, Pro 4 Pro equipped with infrared sensors, in novice mode, tripod  mode, left and right sides of the perception of obstacles, the effective detection range of 7 meters, the sensing range of 70 ° horizontal, vertical 20 ° Of the cone shape.
In addition to obstacle avoidance, the front, rear and the fuselage at the bottom of a total of 6 cameras in the phantom 4 Pro composed of a six-head navigation system, even in the absence of GPS environment can accurately hover fixed height. The vision system can sense obstacles up to 30 meters, but only in the less than 50KM / H speed obstacle avoidance, and requires adequate lighting conditions.
Phantom 4 Pro has been equipped with the Mavic Pro  Flight Autonomy technology. 6 vision sensors, main camera, 2 infrared sensors, 1 ultrasonic sensor, GPS / GLONASS dual mode satellite positioning system, IMU and compass dual redundant sensors, can help the Phantom 4 Pro in flight to obtain real-time image, depth, And other information, to build a 3D map around the aircraft and to determine their own location.

